
Guía de regalos para el Día de la Madre

Guía de regalos para el Día de la Madre

No existe mejor forma de agradecer la labor de una madre que con un regalo eterno. Los diamantes sostenibles de David Locco Diamonds son toda una declaración de compromiso con...

Guía de regalos para el Día de la Madre

No existe mejor forma de agradecer la labor de una madre que con un regalo eterno. Los diamantes sostenibles de David Locco Diamonds son toda una declaración de compromiso con...

¿Qué dice tu anillo David Locco Diamonds sobre ti?

What does your David Locco Diamonds ring say ab...

Every jewel tells a story. From the creative process, through the design and craftsmanship, until reaching the hands of its buyer, David Locco Diamonds’ rings begin to gather every memory...

What does your David Locco Diamonds ring say ab...

Every jewel tells a story. From the creative process, through the design and craftsmanship, until reaching the hands of its buyer, David Locco Diamonds’ rings begin to gather every memory...

¿Cómo es la minería para joyas en la actualidad?

How is jewellery mining nowadays?

If we mention labour exploitation, including that of children, hard working conditions in mines, the wounds and deaths caused, the families forced to flee their homes… It is easy to...

How is jewellery mining nowadays?

If we mention labour exploitation, including that of children, hard working conditions in mines, the wounds and deaths caused, the families forced to flee their homes… It is easy to...

Por qué la juventud valora la sostenibilidad

Why does youth value sustainability

The crisis and scarcity of raw materials in the production sector has been reinforced as a problem in the last months. But there is a bigger crisis that has been...

Why does youth value sustainability

The crisis and scarcity of raw materials in the production sector has been reinforced as a problem in the last months. But there is a bigger crisis that has been...

¿Qué hay detrás de las colecciones Alma y Baobab?

What is behind the Alma and Baobab collections?

What is behind the Alma and Baobab collections? Behind every work of art there is an inspiring story that makes it what it is. The Alma and Baobab collections by...

What is behind the Alma and Baobab collections?

What is behind the Alma and Baobab collections? Behind every work of art there is an inspiring story that makes it what it is. The Alma and Baobab collections by...

¿Cómo se fabrica un David Locco?


Ars or ingenium? In every work of art a magical component is needed, something that allows the transmission of its creator’s deepest feelings, reflecting them with every brush stroke. But not everything...


Ars or ingenium? In every work of art a magical component is needed, something that allows the transmission of its creator’s deepest feelings, reflecting them with every brush stroke. But not everything...